Tips for Those Who Need Motivation

These days, I’m focusing on motivation, I don’t know why, I don’t even want to cover different topics. I think it’s because preparations are being made to say goodbye to summer. Motivation is an indisputable issue that we encounter in every aspect of life. It is perhaps the most important factor affecting success, especially in business life. The most strategic element that determines the success level of a business is people. The success of businesses depends on using manpower efficiently and effectively. Making people work efficiently is possible by motivating them in the best possible way.

Workplaces, where they spend almost one-third of their daily lives, are an important environment for individuals. Individuals who are satisfied with their jobs work more willingly and efficiently, and their creativity and commitment to their jobs increase. Social and social aspects of their work psychological They provide satisfaction.

Today, as a result of increasing competition and the difficulty of finding and retaining qualified personnel, employee satisfaction and motivation have become more important.


Although “wage” is seen as the most effective factor in employee motivation; Financial resources may often not be sufficient for employees who are important to the company and contribute directly to its success. If the employee cannot obtain psychological and social satisfaction from his work, after a while factors such as wage raises or bonuses will not be enough to close this gap.

We have compiled for you non-financial motivation tips that you can apply to increase the motivation of your employees:

Be respectful and courteous: Managers greeting employees when they come to the office in the morning and using words such as “thank you” and “please” increase their motivation by making employees feel more peaceful or important.

Appreciate, reward: Another factor that has a positive impact on motivation is telling employees that they did a great job on a project they were assigned to or that they accomplished a job beyond what the task required.

Social activities edit: Organizing social activities allows employees to socialize and bond with each other, increasing their satisfaction with the work environment and their sense of belonging.

Clear, consistent and frequent communication try to install: Communication is an integral part of any relationship as well as the workplace. Managers who are in frequent communication with their employees can better explain what they expect from their employees and have clearer information about their employees’ expectations from them.

Offer development opportunities: Providing training opportunities to support your employees’ personal and professional development will make your employees feel that they are valued.

Provide a good and clean service to your employees Offer working environment: In good and clean working environments, employees feel valued. In order to increase the motivation of employees who spend a significant part of the day at work, it is necessary to provide clean and spacious working environments and comfortable vehicles.

time for your employees separate: When your employee wants to meet with you, make time for him/her and focus entirely on him/her without dealing with other things.

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