Are You Good at Hiring the Right Person?

Choosing the right person is not easy – hiring manager, HR manager, C-suite As a member, you need to understand what adds value in different roles, which will be one of your secret weapons in the battle for talent.

In addition to finding candidates whose qualifications, abilities and past performance are suitable, it is also important that this person fully aligns with the values ​​of your team and company.

Employers and hiring managers who understand how important it is that the values ​​of the interviewed candidates and the values ​​of the company are compatible with each other, ensure higher efficiency, harmony in the team and retention of employees. If working, more loyalty feel and experience job satisfaction because the alignment of values ​​is more important than skills in the long run.

How do you go about hiring the right person?

What is value overlap?

Value overlap is understanding the driving forces between the company and the employee and ensuring harmony between company values ​​and employee values. The hiring manager should explain company values, such as customer service, creativity and innovation, social development or thought leadership, to the candidates being interviewed.

Does your company promote teamwork or competition? Is individuality or harmony important? You can learn more about your company’s values ​​by following five tips:

  • Employee value proposition (EVP) is an evaluation and summary of what your company offers to employees and how the company is perceived by outside candidates as employers.
  • Observing the employees in the workplace by trying to look at them from an outside perspective and evaluating the way they work at work.
  • Examining the effects of the working environment on employees and work practices (location, light, decor, etc.) – Is an open office system applied? Is the decoration of the work environment modern or classic?
  • Talking to employees about their work routine and their likes/dislikes in an objective and non-judgmental manner.
  • Comparing the work environment and company outlook with similar companies to get an idea of ​​where your company currently stands in the industry.

How do I find the most suitable person for the job?

You need to know how to ask candidates questions during the interview to learn about their workplace behavior and motivation sources. You can develop these questions yourself when you examine your company values. Questions should be designed to give your interviewee the opportunity to give examples from your past and express how they align with your company values.

Keep an open mind, but don’t forget what kind of person you need.

List the skills that candidates should have in line with company values ​​and evaluate with your team how these skills will impact their daily work routine. Talk about how company culture affects performance and see how the candidate has addressed this issue in the past.

Use all the resources around you

If your team works closely with other teams, ask your new teammate’s perspective on this topic – what was their relationship like at their previous company? Were some skills missing? If partnering and networking internally are important, consider their experience thoroughly.

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