Do You Want to Have a Hassle-Free Orientation?

First impressions always matter, and this applies to both companies and employees. If a new employee’s first days go smoothly and comfortably, this will be reflected in their work. But if new employees feel left to their own devices and unsupported, the happy days will end sooner than expected.

As an employer, you want the happy days to last as long as possible – after all, a happy employee is a productive employee. Listen to our advice to offer your new employees a smooth orientation process.

3 things you need to know for smooth orientation!

1. Are there any Frequently Asked Questions? Prepare a welcome package

“What tools do you use?”, “Do I need approval at certain points in my workflow?”, “Who do I contact if I need to……?”

In every company, what “new employees” ask standard questions and their answers are clear. The welcome package should include information about the company’s history and culture, defined workflows, relevant units and contact persons, benefits, rights and responsibilities.

You must present this information in a systematic and easily accessible manner. If you don’t have a welcome pack yet, now is the time to prepare it. To make sure the package covers the most important questions, ask your employees, preferably recently hired, about the troubles and challenges they faced when they started their new job.

An adequate orientation process will enable new employees to more quickly discover how they can work most efficiently. In this way, they learn better, appreciate your support, and help you improve the orientation process for future new employees!

2. Get employees to bond!

The best time to introduce the new employee to other employees is the first days. Every new employee should have an experienced “buddy” who knows the company inside and out, and this person should accompany the new employee.

Buddy” may be the person usually consulted on business-related questions; thus helping new hires understand the company culture and feel truly welcomed. Establishing good personal relationships in the workplace increases productivity by increasing employee loyalty and helping to create a pleasant environment in the workplace.

3. Remember your own experiences

That’s the hardest part. Even though you’ve done everything you can to make new employees feel welcome, your new friend may still face some challenges. Be patient. Remember that you were in his shoes a while ago. What seems natural and logical to you now may be a completely new approach and perspective for them.

Instead of pressuring new employees by giving impossible deadlines, you can remind them to consult their “buddy” or come to your room and talk to you. Be friendly, make them feel that they are in a safe environment and that they can talk to you comfortably. The safer they feel, the faster they integrate with the team.

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