furkanbaskak.com.tr is 8 Years Old! | Personal blog

In 2002, when we connected to the internet with the “dürüdüt” sound, I was trying to learn coding information from foreign sources whose names I don’t even remember, but with the connection of ADSL in 2005, it was time to put what I had learned into action.

During my website adventure, which I started in 2005 by establishing promotional forums, blogs and e-commerce systems for the MMORG games I played, I started to tell about myself, the things I love and what I do in the virtual world by establishing 37 different sites of my own, most of which I was successful in, if not all of them. While checking the site contents I wrote in the past in 2010 and the posts I shared on the then-famous Mynet Blog, I actually read volumes. blog I realized that I was writing articles and that I was a blogger at heart.

Because of the excitement of the opportunities at that time, I used my time outside of my education and social life by focusing more on forums, sometimes e-commerce systems, and sometimes commercial web design instead of blogging.

In 2010; As the trend changed, I realized that only a blog page would be useful to me. Instead of keeping up with the ever-changing trend, I started to continue my life through my blog page, where I continue on my way in a more traditional and free way.

Over the course of two years, I bought 6 different domain names and started publishing articles on blog systems, but I could not find myself in any of them. Finally, when I received the pages baskak.com, furkanbaskak.com and furkanbaskak.net respectively, I said “Yes, this is me!” I was able to say. And now I have come to the final stop… In 2012, I came across the domain name “furkanbaskak.com.tr”. Even though my old articles were gone after the databases were deleted, as far as I recovered (as of August 9, 2020), I have been here for exactly 8 years and 8 days!

In my eight years of blogging, thanks to the lessons I learned before, I have never tried to use different platforms other than the Instagram account I was given as a gift this week. Frankly, I don’t think I will stay long on the Instagram account I was given as a gift. Because I am someone who has had painful experiences with mIRC, Messenger and Facebook transitions. In a world where Vine has turned into YouTube and YouTube has turned into TikTok, why should I waste myself on different platforms? This blog is my house, my street, my neighborhood, my district, my city, my country, my world and Even if the whole world changes, my world will remain the same. While you’re a student, unemployed, working blue-collar jobs, and White collar While I was working jobs, I was always a blogger. Because of this, I am a blogger before every adjective and name..

I think that many of the things I have added to myself are due to my research or experience before writing the articles I wrote. So, although blogging did not directly affect my career, it indirectly shaped my future. It laid the foundation for the profession I currently pursue and much more.

When I talked to my YouTube and TikTok content creator friends, they said, “You travel a lot, you waste time, blogging doesn’t make you known, it doesn’t make much money, why do you continue to write even though you have all these opportunities?” They ask questions. I am not well-known in most places, blogging may not provide enough financial income to buy villas. But thanks to the vocabulary I have gained from the blog posts I write, I know that I can be a man of every era, not of this era.

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