Online Development Platforms | Personal blog

In the virtual world, we can obtain all information over the internet without the need to attend courses and we can achieve personal development online. just personal development It is possible to take online courses very cheaply in almost every field such as foreign language, professional knowledge, programming, artificial intelligence technologies, finance, entrepreneurship, game language, psychology, nature and hunting, or even take a completely free online course. I created a list of online education sites that can appeal to everyone. You can get paid and free online certificates from many of them.

Online Vocational Training Platforms


The Turkish online education platform, established with the support of METU, offers services in design, web design, programming, personal development, communication methods and countless other areas. Almost all of the courses are free and there are METU-approved certificate programs for those who want to benefit from the certificate program.

Istanbul Business Institute

The platform where you can access paid and free online courses; You can also get a certificate for very low fees, along with the exam taken after the online courses you take. It is possible to take courses in many main categories such as personal development, business life, finance, foreign language, business, human resources, software and writing.


The online training platform, which has online training packages in the main categories of software development, business, finance and accounting, IT and software, office productivity, personal development, design, marketing, lifestyle, photography, health and fitness, music, teaching and academy, is both cheap and affordable. It also has a useful lecture archive of videos and articles published by experts in the field.


The platform, which offers written and oral grammar education in Spanish, Chinese, English, Italian and Japanese online, also has main categories such as computer science, data management, engineering, career and management, and humanities. There are paid and free lessons. You can also obtain an online certificate by paying the fees determined for the fields in which you are trained.


Coursera has main categories of arts and humanities, business world, computer science, data science, information technology, health, mathematics and logic, personal development, physical science and engineering, social sciences and language learning programs. You can also find free online courses as well as paid ones. The platform’s publishers and portfolio list are full of world giants. The online course system, which also has the possibility of distance certification, is not satisfied with this and has also created online master’s programs. By enrolling in the master programs of contracted universities, you can obtain specializations and academy degrees through distance education after paying the fee.


The online education site, used by more than 15 million people, offers education on main subjects such as informatics, science, health, humanities, business world, mathematics and lifestyle. You can access thousands of course content on the platform, which you can use completely free of charge.

Boğaziçi Institute

Founded by Turkish entrepreneurs, Boğaziçi Institute was a project that initially made it to the finals in the “Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship” category of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Competition organized by TÜBİTAK. The project evolved over time and turned into an e-learning platform. Nowadays, it is in many different fields from health to law, from informatics to psychology. Online education The platform gives certificates to students after the lessons are completed. Moreover, the certificates are internationally valid and university approved.

Online Education – Teaching Platforms

Khan Academy

“Providing free, world-class education to everyone, everywhere!” A distance education platform with strong supporters such as Bill Gates with its motto. It addresses children and branch teachers from kindergarten level to university on the main subjects of science, history and mathematics. You can use it completely free of charge, with content provided by volunteer instructors.


With the platform where you will need advanced English language knowledge, you can access courses on the main subjects of medicine, history, creative arts, literature, language, law, engineering, mathematics, nature and politics with videos, discussion environments and exams. It is possible to obtain a certificate for a certain fee.

Academic Earth

“It was launched on the grounds that everyone deserves access to a world-class education.” Its motto shows that it is an assertive system in its field. You can access courses at the most distinguished universities online on the distance education platform, which offers associate professor, undergraduate, master, doctoral and certificate programs. It is ahead of its competitors thanks to the fact that it is free and the strength of its instructor staff.

Online Programming Platforms


The platform where you can receive online education based on programming can be used completely free of charge. You can get support from real people, use the learning method by trying, access business-oriented content, access personalized code content, and test projects on real life. There is no certificate support after the training, but you will not need a certificate after the knowledge and experience you will gain with the free lessons.


As its name suggests, it is an online education platform where you can learn programming languages. In addition to having free content, one of its great advantages is that you can access all of the courses by creating a monthly paid membership instead of per course. The platform contains content for all programming languages.

Online Foreign Language Platforms


It is an online course platform where you can learn languages ​​for free. It offers a presentation that allows you to learn English, German and Russian languages ​​in a fun and easy way by providing visual supports. They have turned the method of teaching through games, which is my favorite method, into a competition and are advancing it with a point-earning system. Although it is free, a language teaching system has been established that has extensive content and I like it.


It is one of the ideal platforms for those who are preparing for an interview or presentation, or for those who want to speak English comfortably. You have weekly online meetings with native English-speaking instructors at the time and hours you specify and you practice your English. It is an alternative application that can be preferred by those who know basic English and those who want to improve it. It offers free support for just one day. If you want to try it for a day and continue, you will have to pay a certain fee.

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