Is It Possible to Be Objective? What Does Neutrality Mean?

Scientific data has been accumulating for centuries, we are constantly learning and reaching some realities. Based on the realities we think we have reached, we say this is right and this is wrong. So, can we be completely objective when conveying information? If we simplify it even more; When two people are arguing, can we step in between them and offer a truly objective view?

What is Neutrality?

In business life, we have to have an objective understanding of the people we work with and the companies we work with. That’s why we need to know what impartiality is and how to be impartial and fair in business.

Whether objectivity is possible or not is a constantly debated issue, and it is generally argued that scientific knowledge is objective. If you noticed, I said it can be defended. We obtain data. We say that this is science with the interpretation we add to the data we obtain from the experiments we carry out. If we start from a classic story; The apple falls from the tree to the ground and Newton says “Wow! “There is gravity.” says. Of course, this is a very simplified explanation, but even from here we see that there is a reality. That is the apple falling to the ground. There is a conclusion drawn from this, supported by research, that is, there is a subjective definition.

In science, every definition is subjective, every formula is subjective, and as a result of this subjectivity, to periodic objectivity we reach. What we call gravity today, we may call something else 50 years later. This variability actually shows that science cannot offer us a fixed objective view.

Shouldn’t we call it objective because it might change in the future?

You can act with periodic judgments. According to this period, the objective approach is real; You say the existence of gravity and it passes. After all, we cannot know what will happen in the future. We can talk according to what we have, but when you look at it from this big window, it is not actually objective or objective.

Let’s return to the question we asked at the beginning, based on the fact that science is variable and therefore objectivity is also variable. When two colleagues are arguing, can you intervene and approach with a completely objective perspective? As many of you guessed, no. You have different experiences with both of them, you have your own ideas and perspectives. It is not possible to directly reach objective decision-making, which is so important in business life.

If we can talk about personal objectivity, maybe this can be achieved, but real objectivity cannot be talked about. In short, we cannot achieve absolute objectivity.

Objectivity towards People We Don’t Know

Let’s change the people, let them be people you don’t know completely. Again, you cannot look at the situation objectively. The type of two people, their tone of voice, and even the side they are on have an impact. According to a study, people have a tendency to move to the right. If we were to turn from a street, we usually chose the right. Even this violates our impartiality. On the other hand, even one word can change people’s reactions. The tone and emphasis of the word you use definitely disrupts the objectivity of the other person.

If we go deeper, we also need to discuss the concept of truth. Right, wrong, real, objective… As you know, even their absolute existence is constantly debated. If this issue is addressed with the existence of the Creator; We may think that the absolute concepts belong to him and that it is not possible for us to reach the absolute truth. For someone who does not believe in the Creator, we can call absoluteness undefined.

Is There Absolute Right or Wrong?

To put it briefly; one side absolute TRUE While one says it exists and one can have it, the other side says it does not exist. Someone else comes forward and says that it cannot be known, because you reach this conclusion with a mind that you do not know whether it is absolute or not. However, with the mind he reached this conclusion, he remains in the impossibility of making an unknowable inference. We enter into a kind of paradox. I equate this with the undefined expression in mathematics.

We cannot reach absolute truth and reality. Humans are limited creatures. Like every other living thing, we have limits. That’s why it’s actually not possible for us to be objective or act objectively.

How can I act objectively and fairly?

If we cannot be objective, then how will we ensure justice and order in business life? Actually, the answer to this is very simple. The biggest mistake people make in business life, especially managers; It is an individual approach. It would never be right to apply our own opinion entirely when making our decisions. Yes, our feelings and personal judgments can lead us to the truth. However, if we are a manager who is concerned about justice, or an employee who is trying to do his job properly; We have to adhere to certain rules and regulations.

For you; I wrote down how we can be fair and objective.

Ways to Be Fair
  • We must act with sincere feelings. Goethe has a saying; One can promise to be sincere, but never to be impartial! Says. If we try to make our decisions with sincere feelings, we can come closer to being objective and fair.
  • We must take into account different opinions. As we see examples in history; Totalitarian structures are doomed to collapse. All states that have reigned for a long time have a parliament that has a voice. We can also benefit from people with different value judgments when making our decisions. In this way, we can find the middle ground and make the right decision.
  • We should care about objective inferences. A manager should display a solution-oriented attitude in order to resolve the hostility between two employees. For this, it is necessary to know the reason for the discussion in the most transparent way. If an employee; In order to demonstrate a fair and objective approach, the details of the incident must be thoroughly investigated. Whether we are employees or managers, we must strive to do our job in the best and most ethical way.
  • Being meticulous should not be avoided. We must act with all our sensitivity towards the incident. There is no need for anything to happen. Our general attitude should also be this meticulous. Meticulousness prevents us from making mistakes.

Business life is a very stressful and difficult place. When we examine it from a scientific perspective, we see that we cannot be completely objective. In this regard, we must act with the maximum possible effort and ensure justice.

The money we earn and the human relationships we establish are directly linked to our social relationships. That’s why I shared with you ways to be objective and fair.

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He played basketball for years and won various medals. Writer and SEO expert. Nowadays, he produces content on personal development and philosophy for YouTube. It also has a slogan; “live your life meaningfully”.

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