All About the Invincible Shaolin Monks

We are the generation that grew up with Cüneyt Arkın’s Battalgazi legends. I would say nothing else can affect us. of meditation While researching its effects on physical strength, I met many methods and groups. One of the ones that caught my attention the most was the Shaolin Monks, and I believed that they were exemplary for career development. The way of Shaolin Monks; It is a challenging path based on spiritual and physical self-improvement. On this path they have to face many difficulties and undergo grueling training based on ancient traditions that have not changed for hundreds of years.

Shaolin Monks Begin Training From Childhood

Shaolin Monks begin to receive harsh training from childhood. At the age of 6, they begin to demonstrate incredible abilities. Young students learn to endure pain and fatigue to become a true warrior. In addition to mandatory meditations, future monks develop a good sense of balance and incredible and flexibility.

During training, Shaolin Monks wrap themselves around tree trunks, forming a ring.

These trainings, which are seen as impossible and perceived as torture, are only a part of Kung Fu training. Such exercises, according to their masters, will teach monks to endure any adversity and learn the intricacies of martial arts.

Shaolin Monks’ Training May Be Seen as Torment

They train for many years to minimize the risks to their bodies. For example; This exercise They hit their throats on a thick stick during the process. The throat is actually one of the most sensitive parts of the human body. It takes monks 10 years to learn to ignore pain and strengthen the neck, arms and legs. During their shows, they show how they can withstand one or even multiple blows to their throats with the help of a thick stick. They even say that the monks could easily break the stick with their throats.

They Are Stronger and Calmer Through Meditation

To strengthen every part of their body, monks do special exercises, but training isn’t everything. Meditation also plays an important role in their lives. Monks take a break from physical exercises for a while, helping them concentrate, clear their minds, and listen to their bodies. Meditation also helps them stay calm even during the most frightening exercises. Exercises are really scary, as you know.

Shaolin Monks can stand for more than 20 minutes while hanging with a noose around their necks.

The noose you put around your neck can kill you within seconds. However, this is not the case for Shaolin Monks. Their throats and necks are so physically strong that they can breathe what is called tortoise breathing. Tortoise breathing technique is one of the skills that a true Kung Fu master can learn. In this way, monks can hold their breath for up to 20 minutes. You must muster all your strength and concentrate as much as possible to be able to stop while hanging at a height of more than 1 meter with a noose around your neck. Only a few of the Shaolin Monks can do this.

They Pay Attention to Whole Body Development; Including Fingers

Shaolin Monks perfect their abilities, over many years they develop not only their muscles, fists and neck, but also their fingers. They undergo a special training called Diamond Finger or, according to other sources, Iron Finger or Buddha’s Finger. Right in the middle of the Shaolin Monastery courtyard is a tree used in this exercise. The first step is relatively easy. Students press their fingers on a hard surface. The pressure must be constant. It may not seem very difficult, but imagine how much patience and endurance is required for this exercise. The pressure gradually increases, and after a few years the monks are allowed to attack with the fingers.

Tree trunk on which Shaolin Monks apply finger pressure.

After this training, these incredible warriors will have no trouble piercing steel sheets or leaning their entire body weight on their index fingers. His fingers become as strong as iron. In fact, some of the holes in the bark of the tree they practice on are 5 centimeters deep. It is said that after the exercises, monks can use their fingers to break stones or seriously injure a person.

They Climb and Descend the Stairs on All Fours

Today many people find it difficult to climb stairs, in a world where escalators and elevators are everywhere we often do not need to strain ourselves. Shaolin Monks use the stairs in the monastery for training. They don’t just go down the stairs on their feet. The monks go up and down the stairs on their hands and feet. They do this incredibly quickly. They touch the ground only with their feet and palms, not with their knees. But they still somehow manage to maintain their balance.

They Can Break Glass at a Time with a Needle

Most people find it difficult to break glass with their bare hands, which is almost impossible to do with a single needle throw. It is also easy to break it by hitting it with a ball or stone, but that is not the case here. Shaolin Monks can do things that an ordinary person would think is impossible. They break the glass with a needle. To understand how such a small object can break glass, we need to understand the chemical bond structures of this material. Glass is very hard and does not crack easily with a simple touch. Therefore, the surface is very difficult to break. As a chemical bond, glass is an incredibly strong substance and is less prone to microscopic cracks than steel. However, due to its structure, only a small crack is enough to make this glass incredibly brittle. This feature is used by Shaolin Monks.

Monks throw with great power and speed. If it sounds hard and like a firecracker, it hits the glass and creates a deep crack. The needle that breaks the glass and passes to the other side bursts the balloon.

Iron Hand Technique of Shaolin Monks

Shaolin is all about martial arts, and martial arts is all about the ability to deliver hard blows with your hands, fists and palms. This technique is called the Iron Hand. This technique is one of the 72 technical applications. This training emerged to enable the monk to deliver very powerful blows without risking injury. The Iron Hand technique involves strengthening the limbs by training the tendons and ligaments from the shoulders to the tips of the fingers. Monks hit cloth or leather bags against hard objects sewn together or scattered around. Most often they use a medium-sized stone for this.

This is a really dangerous exercise, especially in the long run. Hitting stones all the time can cause arthritis or decrease your sensitivity due to nerve damage. For this reason, many masters avoid practicing the Iron Fist technique for a long time.

They Can Stand Naked on Spears with the Iron Shirt Technique

There are many videos online of Shaolin Monks practicing sharp spears. It’s as if this situation doesn’t bother them at all. So how could monks be doing this? Monks sleep on hard beds wrapped in soft fabrics. They are then forced to place the sticks upright and lie on them. Three years later, they hit the students’ bodies with sticks and even a hammer. Their strengthened bodies allow them to stand on spears with the right focus.

They Are Taken to Exam to Become a Monk

To earn the title of Shaolin Warrior, you must pass something like a final exam. If the student fails, he can try his luck again in 3 years. Everyone enters the finale by choosing their own style. For example; Mastering a technique like the monkey style requires focus and an incredible sense of balance, which is not something everyone can achieve. But the exam is not just about Kung Fu. As you know in Buddhism religion is compulsory for all its monks and as always some theoretical questions are also included in the exams.

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