Motivation in Cold Weather | Personal blog

I don’t know about you guys, but my motivation to do anything disappears in the cold months of the year! I know this probably isn’t the case for most of you. If you’re lucky enough to live somewhere sunny and warm anyway, you may never experience this drop in motivation!

There is science behind this idea I put forward, I am not just talking nonsense! Motivation increases somewhat with sunlight and therefore Vitamin D. For many people, this is just a type of winter blues, but for others it is a more serious psychological disorder; Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

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I tend to fall into the winter blues category. During the winter months, I want to wrap myself in a blanket and not get out of bed all day, almost every day. My motivation is in a serious decline and the great habits I created over the summer are fading away. I know I’m not alone here. As winter arrives, I’ve been thinking for a long time about how to stay motivated and not give up on my new habits. Here are the tips I found to regain the motivation that decreases during the winter months!

Set a Goal

Thinking is half the start, starting is half the finish! Setting goals is an important step to doing anything! However, when you don’t have the motivation to even make your bed in the morning, you may feel lousy. That’s why I recommend setting small but measurable goals. Something you can easily get your hands on and maybe even keep you busy for a few weeks. Once you start feeling successful and see these goals completed, move on to bigger goals. to be motivated you will start!

Take a Break

Can we do anything? No. So don’t be so hard on yourself all the time. After all, none of us are perfect. We cannot achieve every goal at the same time. Sometimes just to relax and take a break It is normal. It will be good to spend a day or two to reset and just focus on yourself. But don’t rest too much because then it becomes difficult to find any motivation to start over. So keep your breaks short (or even put a time limit on them) so you can get right back in!

Don’t Work Alone

Do you know the proverb “What’s the point of one hand, what’s the voice of two hands?” Motivation This proverb comes to my mind when it comes to Having a partner, be it a friend, co-worker, boyfriend/girlfriend, family member, whoever it is, can really help you stay on track! We tend to be more responsible when others know what we are trying to accomplish.

Create a Routine

It’s much easier to stay motivated when you have a routine. If you know that 7 am is the time to wake up and you always go to the gym at 8 am to stay healthy, the biological clock will send signals to your brain when consistency is achieved. Sit down and create a routine for the week, month, year. You can decide which range is suitable for you according to the work you will do.

I love reading for myself, but sometimes I don’t want to pick up that book or get lost in the social media vortex, so I set a time every day, 3 hours after dinner, to rest and read a book. From then on, I can continue doing whatever I want to do. Just having that time really helps me and I always enjoy myself!

To do list

I list I am a human. At any time probably on my phone, I have a to-do list on my computer, on my sticky note, in my notebooks. It’s honestly so spread out and I need to get better at keeping it all in one place! However, the to-do list I will say ensures continuity and allows me to continue my work. I love seeing these items crossed off the list and once I get started I am so motivated!

If you don’t have one, I highly recommend you start making a daily to-do list. Add to the list whatever you need to do that day. Everything at once. Sometimes even making the bed or taking a shower is enough to get you motivated for the day! Check the to-do list daily.

Be good to yourself

Do you ever have to bribe yourself to do something? I need it! If I need to do something but I don’t do it, I set rewards such as buying myself a gift, watching my favorite show, or drinking coffee with sugar. If you can deceive yourself this way, do it! The only thing about it; only treat yourself to bigger tasks. Don’t reward yourself for something you already do every day. Keep this method in your pocket for something that’s difficult, frustrating, or something you hate doing. It will help!

Stay Active

Staying active doesn’t just mean going to the gym. Go for a walk, take the stairs, set a daily step goal, exercise at home, go swimming. Anything that gets your body moving is a good thing. It may be difficult, but even just taking the stairs instead of the elevator can make you feel happier and ready for the day. Motivation to be active will affect itself, so I recommend walking according to the distance you will travel! You can walk around your site or in your neighborhood and listen to your favorite podcast!

Do you lose your motivation in the cold months? Is there anything that will help you? I would like to know!

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