What is Comfort Zone? The Importance of Comfort Zone

You notice that you generally lie on the same chair while watching television, that you generally sit on the same chair while eating, that you generally sleep in the same position of the bed, that you drink water with the same set of water glasses, and that you drink coffee with the same set of cups, right? When a guest comes to your house for dinner, it will be incredibly uncomfortable for them to eat in your chair. You neither enjoyed the meal you ate, nor will the chair you sit on feel as comfortable as yours, even though it is the same set of chairs.

The next day a different guest came and again someone sat in your seat. You sat in a different place again and realized that the view and light angle of your home was actually better. The only thing that helps you discover that aspect of the house you’ve been living in for years; It’s because you’re out of your comfort zone.

Konfor alanı, insanın kendini bulunduğu durumda her şeyi kolay kontrol edebildiğini düşündüğü ve kendini rahat hissettiği ve psikolojik olarak güvende hissettiğini düşündüğü ortam veya duygudur.
If you don’t leave your comfort zone you won’t see it

As long as you stay in your comfort zone, you never know what could happen, you never know a different way to live, you never know the other side of things, or the American writer who sums it up very well Kurt VonnegutTo quote from; You never know how to experience being, finding what is inside you, growing your soul.

If you step out of your comfort zone you will see

Now that we have seen what will not happen when we sink into our habits, obsessions and comfort zone, let’s see what happens if we get specific! What is said is proven by experience.

You give yourself space for personal development

When you’re faced with something challenging, it’s usually something new and different from what you’re used to. This new situation forces you to find solutions to cope with it. You’re more likely to learn things you wouldn’t have to learn in an environment you’re comfortable with.

You exercise your flexibility muscle

Every time you step out of your own environment, you learn to adapt to survive. To use the skills you have to communicate better, get answers to questions, and get the most out of it. develop skills You understand more clearly what will be needed.

You feed your curiosity

Getting out of your comfort zone shows you that the world is bigger than you think. Because there is so much to discover, things to learn, people to meet, conversations that will make you think deeper, little things that will make you wonder, question and keep your mind open.

You gain more wisdom

Exploring new regions means gaining experience in life. Experience is necessary to learn. Learning should lead to knowledge. And the long-term pursuit of knowledge must lead to wisdom. This takes time and It’s something you can turn to your advantage., because time is not always against you. You make time work in your favor.

You discover new things about yourself

How can you know who you could be if you trap yourself in your current life? What if taking on a tough challenge, going for that seemingly impossible goal, allows you to reach beyond what is possible in this very moment? What if this way of thinking allows you to discover strengths that can help not only you, but other people as well? Going into the unknown is certainly a difficult journey beyond what is comfortable. It may feel like taking a risk. But rest assured, the result will be priceless.

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