How should criticism and advice be?

The most useful people for personal development are definitely your colleagues around you. Watching and listening to others are actually steps we take constantly. What about the advice given or what was done? to criticism How open are we?

Listen to the Recommendations

Getting people to give you advice can be quite difficult. Therefore, it is important that when you receive advice, you are in a mental position to act on it. If you’re someone who ignores advice, you won’t soon find people around you who are willing to give you advice.

Learn from feedback

Once you get the advice, take it seriously. Getting feedback can be hard enough, so if you’re lucky enough to get it, don’t waste it. Some people unfortunately live their lives in complete ignorance, rarely receiving feedback. Don’t be one of them.

Listen carefully to what others say

Treat the words of others as valuable, confidential information to be mined for powerful knowledge. You can become a better person with this.

Be Open to Criticism

You should definitely take criticism when you can. Some people shy away from criticism, fearing that it reveals their weaknesses and highlights their failures. This is not the case; your colleagues value you in critical ways contact passing and constructive feedback He’s trying to make you better by giving.

The best and most immediate criticism a developer can receive is during code reviews. Your fellow programmers can help you follow best practices and adhere to styles and conventions that lead to high-quality code. They should take their job as referees very seriously because they will have to support this code in the future.

You can also get valuable feedback from testers. The quality team doesn’t just need to report bugs. They can also inform you about things that work but may not be optimal. Unclear user interfaces. Response times that appear slow. Applications that are difficult to test. Don’t shy away from working with the quality team to get as much information as possible.

Another good source of feedback is product owners and from managers income. When you receive changes to specifications after a work in progress demonstration, that change is a sign that your team could have designed the app better. It is much better to find errors at the design stage than to have expensive changes at later stages.

You’re not perfect, but you can get better. Who doesn’t want to be better?

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