Not being able to say “No”! – Learn to Say No

In fact, today we will discuss together an issue that we all encounter quite often in our daily lives, without even being aware of it. In response to a request from you, my dear readers, in this article I will write about being able to say “no”, mean “no”, and answer “no”… Leadership As part of our series of articles about, this title touches a little bit on us, the leaders of every day, that is, the leaders of our lives…

Learn to say no to what is advantageous and good to get the best.

Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

What does “no” mean? First of all, we were going to talk about not being able to say “no”, so let’s approach it like this; Why can’t we say the word “no”? Why are we afraid? Or what are we afraid of losing? Are we misunderstood? Wouldn’t they love us more? Are we not able to make someone else happy enough? What happens, what do we lose when we say “no”? Time, money, friendship, perhaps a job, perhaps a companionship?

You don’t make enemies by saying no.

Yes, it is a difficult thing for all of us.No” being able to say. For example, we are just about to study and a friend of ours comes.Lets go to the cinema” and at that point we are considering a choice. Our goal (that is, our starting and critical goal) is to study, but on the other hand, when we say “no” to the cinema “What if we can’t be a good enough friend?”, “What if they never accept us among them again?”, “What if they have so much fun and we are deprived of it?”, “What if we want to see that movie so much?”

Thousands of reasons like this come knocking at our door. And we cannot say “no”. We go to that cinema. What happens next? Time is tight, we fall behind in the exam we need to study for… We may get bad grades, we may have to take that exam without studying as well as we wanted…

Even though it’s hard, you should know how to say no

This is where I want to understand something very well… The issue is not actually about being able to say “no” or not. When the results occur according to “what we say” as a leader, then it is about taking “responsibility” for these results. So even if we get a bad grade on the exam “Yes, this was my choice, I chose to go to the cinema with this choice, the consequences will be accordingly, from this point on I will pay more attention to what I will do or I will not choose the cinema when my next exam comes.” is being able to say… Many of us, when consequences occur in situations where we cannot say “no”, “Why did this happen to me?”, “I couldn’t say no, it happened because of person X” “If I hadn’t done what A said, this would never happen now.” Instead of taking the responsibility of the result like a leader, we assign it to others, other events, other occurrences, other things…

That’s why results always pave the way for a leader’s next step. None of us are 100% perfect in life. Mistakes, mistakes, not being able to say no and making choices are all part of our path for us. If you are just accompanying me here today in this article, I suggest you take another look at every situation where you cannot say “no” and what attitude you have afterwards…

The choice you make is yours; a leader cannot be crushed by the choices he makes, nor does he assign the responsibility to anyone else. Whatever happens, for better or worse, it is part of your unique leadership path. That’s why there is no such thing as not being able to say “no”, it’s just you and your choices. These are perfect results based on your choices…

I wish you good luck!

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