Dealing with Anxiety – My Anxiety Can’t Beat Me

Anxiety is a very intense feeling. We worry about what we will encounter tomorrow. When we enter an interview, we worry about the outcome and whether we can actually win. If there is a possible situation regarding our health and the necessary tests are being performed, we worry about what will happen to me. Will I be able to see tomorrow, will I be able to swim at my favorite beach again, will I be able to get together with my beloved friends once again over a nice coffee conversation? Will I be able to achieve everything I want in this life before my life ends? Maybe I will be able to become a mother? Or will I be able to help someone other than myself create a change in their life and add meaning to their life?

The wishes of the past and the worries of the future are two thieves who steal our present.

Superior DÖKMEN

And the worries go on and on… Maybe it doesn’t even need to be this deep. Will I be able to lose weight? Will I be able to fit into my dresses this summer? Will I be able to create the necessary budget to buy a new car? Will I be able to buy a new house? Will I find an empty table to sit where I want tonight? If they still haven’t sold that shirt I saw (!), will I be able to have it? Worries go on and on. We are generally not aware of it because we have ‘anxious’ thoughts. We perceive them as ‘questions’.anxietyNot as…

Ask yourself questions

Today, I would like to correct the questions we asked with you a little bit. By fixing, I mean let’s clear them of ‘worry’… Instead of ‘Will I be able to buy that house’?What does it take in this life to buy me that house?‘… If I were making the world go round, what are the blessings I would want to be presented to me?

For example, I need this many resources, I will make X, Y, Z changes to get this resource to me, I will work like this for six months or a year and in the end, yes, I can buy this house. Now how did we feel when we read this flow? I also want to go back to this sentence: ‘Will my strength, my efforts, my situation, be enough to buy that house?’ What did you feel? How did the question of whether it will be enough make you feel? Anxiety Yes, we approached it with concern, we are talking about the tone that ‘does not exist’, that is, it cannot be given… This sentence actually tells us, ‘dear universe, I want this, but I don’t have much faith that I will be able to do it, I am worried, I will be happy if it happens’…

It is up to you to deal with your worries.

What do you think is the probability that this situation will come true in response to this message? If you had actually heard this message, would you, as an outsider looking in, believe that you really wanted to buy that house? I want us to evaluate all the questions within our minds once again, such as will it be possible, will it be enough, will I be able to do it, will I be able to realize it? I propose to replace these with “I aim for this, what do I need?” I set out with all my belief in myself to see the end of this road, I want and aim for this or at least better than this…

Our sentences are our promises to life. Just like signing on a piece of paper, our words, our concerns, everything we don’t believe in, create a ‘sign’ in the same way, just like a signature… What kind of signature do we want as today’s leaders? A signature that is vague, unsure of itself, full of worries or clear, not afraid to take a step to see the end no matter what, knows what it wants, knows where it is going and what it deserves in this life?

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