For the Best Leadership – How to Be a Good Leader?

Although it is believed that being a good leader is innate, I am someone who supports that there are many gains that need to be added later. A good leader It is extremely important to keep things in order and keep the bond between employees strong. At this point, I would like to remind you that there are things that should be known and never forgotten. Let’s discuss the issue of how to be a good leader together.

There are fundamentals to being a good leader.

Find a good consultant for your team

Research and strategy development company Apigee InstituteBryan Kirschner, Director of , says that a consultant is often needed to understand what management means in a company. Finding an inside consultant is leadership A great way to expand your experience and create a road map. Inside consultants can guide you when faced with an unexpected situation, taking into account internal company policies. In this way, an insider’s perspective can protect you for many years and prevent you from wasting effort.

Strengthen your team

According to experts, there are several key ways to strengthen the team. Kathleen Brush, author of The Power Of One, says that one of the biggest ways to increase productivity is to strengthen the team. However, reminding that uncontrolled empowerment would be anarchy, Brush adds; “Because you are the boss.”

Create a safe conversation environment in your unit. This method ensures the formation of a culture of collaboration towards empowerment. Employees feel the need to understand whether there is a problem and want to be encouraged about it. One way to strengthen the motivation of employees is to communicate with them, taking into account their position and roles. This way, you can help them see how compatible they are in the big picture.

Even though we are inclined to be a manager ourselves, sometimes we should allow them to participate in some managerial decisions in order to strengthen the team. Allowing them to be a part of the decision-making mechanism will increase their motivation.

According to Brush, the most difficult problem facing information technology departments these days is not retaining employees. Creating an environment where people want to work is one of the most critical ways to prevent team disbandment. To see how damaging constant employee turnover is, consider how many times team members have left and budgets have been eroded and positions remain unfilled. However, by following the advice given by experts, you can create a happy working environment without damaging your budget. In doing this, your employees will also have the opportunity to advance their careers.

Improve your strategy experiences

According to Ford Myers, one of the biggest challenges facing IT leaders is executive career coaching. And according to the author of Get the Job You Want, it is to ensure that business goals match technological solutions. As IT management roles continue to diversify, technology leaders must always be better to adapt to this trend and meet vital strategic requirements. According to Myers, technology leaders must believe that the IT department they head is an important part of the path that leads the company to success. And that technology in itself is a never-ending journey. Accordingly, if you cannot understand the role your own team plays in the big picture and have a negative impact on the team, you cannot manage well. And you won’t find your team members motivated to increase turnover. Experts who advise IT managers say these are the ways to improve strategic thinking.

Do a case study

According to Strategist and Executive Career Coach Donald Burns, even if you only have the opportunity to take an MBA program, business-related courses can help you develop strategy. For example, doing a case study. Burns says the best way to improve strategic thinking is to participate in a case study with a team. This is done in classic MBA business classes. If you cannot do this in a working environment, you can create a volunteer environment and spare time to do a case study.

Improve your communication skills

You can’t be a great leader if you don’t have the ability to effectively communicate your purpose to people. According to Burns, IT managers may not have the ability to communicate clearly, meaning they are a bit weak in this regard.

“This sounds like a typical pattern, but many IT leaders lack open communication.” Burns explains the proof of this as follows; Extraordinarily detailed answers in high-level interviews and again too detailed explanations in bureaucratic decision-making processes.

So what’s the best way to increase your communication experience? According to our experts, the examples listed below are some of the ways to improve communication skills;

If you want to practice verbal communication outside of the office, try Toastmasters and acting classes. If a classroom setting is the best learning environment for you, it would be beneficial to review the schools in your area. These may be continuing education centers of universities or public speaking courses.

One of the essential needs for an IT leader is to know different languages. Thus, they will have the ability to translate complex, technical jargon in a way that other people in the company can understand. Experts see this as one of the biggest stumbling blocks for new technology leaders.

You may need expert help coaching people with better communication skills. “They work like fitness trainers and shape you into the effective communicator you need to be,” Burns says. Burns says that help can be obtained from individual employees or experts affiliated with the company.

Be a good listener

As Stephen R. Covey said, “ Many people do not listen with the intention of understanding; they listen to answer.” Many of us deal with co-workers who don’t listen to us or don’t care about what we have to say because they know too well. However, no matter who is in the workplace, thinking that their voice is not heard is a complete motivation killer. What our experts remind us here is how a manager can learn to be a good listener.

The first thing you can do is stop thinking that you are the best and can give the best answer. When you do this, you start thinking about your own answer, not what the other person is saying. Just keep your mind open and listen. It seems like a vital need for your colleagues and those who work for you to know that they are cared about. Do not interfere with them. Sometimes we guess or know what the other person will say while they are talking. Even so, let him finish his sentence. Let people express themselves fully and wait before responding to their words. Don’t interrupt them. “Can you give me more information about this report?” Keep them engaged in the conversation with open-ended questions such as these and enable them to elaborate on the topic. And of course, pay attention to eye contact and prevent distractions. If you cannot focus completely, move the conversation to a quieter and more appropriate environment.

Be a good networker

It is a fact that many IT professionals choose this profession because they like working with machines and computer codes rather than people. But unfortunately, this subconscious cannot lead you to good leadership. This doesn’t mean that introverts can’t be excellent leaders, but it often means overpowering natural tendencies. “One of the biggest challenges is; “In a world where 75 percent of people are extroverts, quiet and introverted people are not considered suitable for leadership.” Brush reminds us that although this is a wrong inference, the fact that there is prejudice against introverts for leadership positions does not change. According to him, the way to deal with this is to work against taking on the same roles in the office. This can be overcome, for example, by having lunch with employees or attending company social events.

Know yourself / Be realistic

“Employees do not respect fake attitudes, being respected by them is like something a leader should never lose. If it tracks productivity.” says Brush. Realism also enables you to communicate well and builds trust between you and your team. Being realistic also helps employees understand what kind of person you are and what you expect from them. “… To use information correctly, you need to know yourself well. You can never be a good leader if you are in a situation that asks you to take on a character that does not reflect you.” says Kirschner. For more information about being a realistic leader, you can read the book 10 ways to be a realistic IT leader.

Stay away from micro-level control

Kathleen Brush, co-author of The Power of One, says, “If leaders attempt micro-level controls, they will fail.” says. Because she thinks it is impossible to focus on the big picture and make micro controls at the same time. You will either deal with details or manage a unit. “If you have employees who need to be managed in detail, you should consider how much this limits your success,” Brush says. he adds. According to his interviews with employees, the manager’s micro-controlling nature is one of the biggest reasons for dissatisfaction. Moreover, this applies not only to IT teams but also to other units.

Surround yourself with people smarter than you

In the world of technology, it is always difficult to remain the smartest person in the room because there is so much movement and innovation in this world. On the other hand, there is not enough time in a day to do or know everything. This means you need to create your team with people who complement your skills.

Keep learning

If you don’t regularly improve yourself in your field and market, you will quickly fall behind. Expand your skills, decide what you need to study and where to go from there. Maybe you’ll need to learn more on the business side or want to increase your communication skills. Whatever it is, don’t wait. People are often managed by example, and your subordinates and colleagues will get their own tips from you. If they see that you are open to learning and that you care about it, they will be like that too.

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