Mistakes Made in Leadership | Personal blog

Yes, we see and hear everywhere about the things that need to be paid attention to in order to be a successful leader. For example; According to some, leadership can be acquired later, while for others, leadership can only be acquired through innate abilities. According to some, there are huge differences between leadership and management, but according to some, these two concepts are quite similar to each other. After all; In the business world, many different topics regarding leadership have been discussed and different questions have been asked for years. But the generally talked about topic is; how successful leader We can say that it will be!

What needs to be done to be a successful leader?

HWhat issues can you become an admired leader by paying attention to, what are the characteristics you need to have to be a strong leader, and more! When you look; You will see that there are many people trying to answer these questions. Okay, the topic may be important, but we are always told what needs to be done to be a successful leader. Or the general characteristics of successful leaders are mentioned. So, why are the mistakes that lead leaders to failure ignored? Why doesn’t this issue attract as much attention or care as the other? After all; Aren’t the things that shouldn’t be done and the things that should be done the least important? Of course he carries it. That’s why I recommend you to examine the following items. If your dream a good leader If you want to be or are currently trying to do this, I recommend that you learn these common mistakes.

Things to remember for good leadership

Stating That You Are Always Busy!

This is the last thing a leader, or rather a leader who wants to be successful, should do! In other words, he constantly tells the people around him that he is “too busy” and acts as if he is “busy”. However, a leader should not close his door to anyone who tries to get ideas from him or talk to him. If he wants to be a leader, he must understand that all his preoccupations are not more important than guiding, and he must know that he must do justice to the title he carries.

Lack of Motivation!

How can a leader who cannot even motivate himself motivate all the people he will guide? Immediately slumping their shoulders in the face of failures, preferring to stand aside rather than fightHow can a leader who allows negative thoughts to take over his mind be successful? It can’t be, right? Of course it is! However, unsuccessful leaders do not hesitate to act as if they are not aware of these facts. They cannot see the fact that their lack of motivation is the biggest obstacle to being successful leaders.

Succumbing to Fears!

Among the most common mistakes leaders make is succumbing to their fears. In other words, they lack the quality of “courage”, which is one of the most important qualities a leader should have. Tends to withdraw immediately when they need to take risks And leaders who stand by instead of taking action cannot be successful because of their behavior, which can be called cowardice. However, what a leader should do is; When others take a step back, he steps forward and has the courage to act logically and take risks where necessary.

Making Emotional Decisions!

Yes, some leaders make mistakes because they involve their emotions when making decisions. In an other saying; He is not acting professionally, making a mistake that no one in the business world, especially a leader, should make. For example; He makes a big decision that concerns the company based on emotional considerations, just because his personal opinion is in that direction. Or, because he sympathizes with the misfit personnel in his team, he allows that person to reduce the team’s performance. He terrorizes the company because of the problems he has in his private life. In short; He does not think realistically in the things he does and the decisions he makes, and clearly conflicts with professionalism. And for this reason, he finds himself labeled as a failed leader.

Not being able to show the way!

What is the primary thing a successful leader should do? Guidance of course! After all, isn’t a leader also a guide? That’s why; This is another of the mistakes that lead leaders to failure. In other words, some leaders do justice to the title they truly carry when it comes to guiding. And unfortunately, they act as if they do not know that standing at the head of the current order does not mean leadership.

Thinking “I Am”!

Yes, he reached the position he wanted anyway. He sat in the leadership seat he dreamed of and started to manage others. To put it more clearly, it has already happened. In other words, there is no need for self-improvement or innovative thinking. All he has to do isActing according to a pre-prepared plan and monitoring the progress of the work from where you sit. Unfortunately, the number of leaders who think the way I mentioned is quite high! The person who at first assumes the title of leadership with enthusiasm and determination, but after a while, loses control and makes the mistake of saying “I’m done”. This tendency naturally leads him to rapidly progress towards an unsuccessful leader.

Picking Up After the Team!

Okay, it’s true that leaders need to guide their teams! There is no question that their failure or success is also the success or failure of the leader. However, there is definitely a problem with leaders overly assuming the role of catcher in cleaning up after the team. Because these are among the most common mistakes leaders make!The leader who constantly tries to clean up after his team and tries to cover up the flaws of others in order not to be criticized or to prevent the work from being interrupted makes a mistake at this point. Because instead of trying to fix the flaws, they cover them up, causing the same mistakes to be made and the success of the team to decrease gradually. What the leader must do is point out the mistakes or how to correct them; But he should never do this as if he is picking up the team’s back.

Acting with the “I Know Everything” Attitude!

Another mistake leaders often make is acting with the “I know everything” attitude. In other words, leaders who make this mistake do not accept that there may be any mistakes in the decisions they make; Not only do they not accept that what they say could be wrong, they do not even consider it possible.

For this reason, they turn a deaf ear to all ideas that contradict their own, and do not accept that what they do is a mistake until they encounter negative consequences. Even though sometimes they encounter failure, they still do not take the blame.

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