9 Easy Ways to Get Motivated

Motivating employees is more difficult than it seems. Research on employee motivation has been conducted for a very long time and there are many suggestions about it. Although these suggestions often achieve results, in some cases it may be necessary to do something specific to the business. In order to determine what needs to be done, it is necessary to first understand and identify the problem correctly. To increase employee motivation First of all, we need to understand correctly what causes the decrease in motivation.

motivation There may be many factors that reduce it. I explained the most interesting of these and the solution method in the video. Now I will list a few methods you can apply to increase motivation.

Suggestions to increase employee motivation

These suggestions can be shaped or developed according to the business structure and the problem causing lack of motivation. If you have a method that we do not know, I would like you to share it in the comments section.

Friendly work environment

We spend 5 days a week in the office and almost the entire day is spent at work. Maybe the people we see more than our family are our colleagues. If there is tension in the office and employees hate each other, it would be pointless to expect motivation. This problem usually occurs in positions where competition is intense.

When you create a friendly work environment, people may come to work dancing. Warren Buffett: If you don’t go to work dancing, you can’t get rich from that job.

to be appreciated

Title 3 has an important place in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. We all need to be appreciated and respected. Everyone wants their work to be appreciated. Whether a job is completed successfully or not, being appreciated and appreciating at least part of the work done will lead to better results and It will contribute to increasing motivation.


Many businesses apply this method. Cash value to increase employee motivation reward They use the method. But this may not always work. To increase employee motivation, give him/her a private workspace. Sometimes a double salary can mean much more than a bonus. Focusing on things that cannot be bought with money can create much greater value. These include being remembered on important occasions and some gifts.

To promote an atmosphere of friendly competition.

I mentioned this at the beginning of the article. If there is a highly competitive position, it will be difficult to create a friendly working environment in the workplace. At the same time, the competitive environment is good. But this competition should not cause tension among employees. Friendly competition conditions for employee motivation you need to create.

Support personal development.

Giving importance to the personal development of employees broadens their horizons and gives them hope that they can do things better. If you want to convince them that they can do better, organize training for the company. If this is not possible, they can attend training outside the company or Online education Support participation in programs. Cover part of the tuition fees. Your employees self-improvement supporting their activities not only that you care about not only while you are working in your business, but also in the future. It means.

9 easy ways to increase employee motivation.

Keep career paths open.

Knowing that you will be promoted in that workplace also means that you can earn better money. What motivates everyone is different. But since this article meets more than one need, you should state that the career paths of the employees are open. If employees know that they can get promoted in this workplace, their motivation will definitely increase. If employees think that they will not be promoted and that their position will not change no matter what they do, they will lose motivation.

Support teamwork.

If there is anything that contributes greatly to the business world in the 21st century, it is teamwork. Individual work remained in the 20th century. Nowadays, businesses grow with the success of teams. One of the most common mistakes we make is asking if you are prone to teamwork during a job interview and not supporting teamwork. Teamwork to ensure employee motivation support.

Be open to all ideas.

Say out loud that you are open to creative ideas and suggestions that may come to you. Everyone has an idea about improving the process. Everyone likes to improve their work. If people can be motivated, they will improve their work. Business development and employee motivation are therefore proportional to each other.

If you can’t motivate employees, change the company.

If you cannot increase the motivation of your employees despite all your efforts, then there is a mistake in your business processes. Reexamine your business processes and see where you made mistakes.


Human resources are one of the most important things for a business. Businesses are established to continue their existence forever. No business has been established with the aim of closing its doors after 5 years. If you want to survive forever, value your employees. Human Resources Management It is primarily responsible for ensuring employee motivation. human resources specialists HR management training They can obtain important information about employee motivation and improve themselves in this regard.

What is the importance of personal development to increase employee motivation?

It means that you care about your personal development not only while you are working in your business, but also in the future.

Which department’s duty is to ensure employee motivation?

Human resources department.

How should ideas from employees be responded to?

Say out loud that you are open to ideas and suggestions and share your thoughts.

What is the most important suggestion in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to increase employee motivation?

To be appreciated and respected.

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