Is It Possible to Achieve the Right Success?

Ensuring that the work you do is correct, preparing the right content for this job, and being able to explain the truths you have obtained in the right ways will make you memorable. Alright Is every truth true?? As individuals living in a fast age, detailed explanations no longer attract anyone’s attention. To interpret the most important point in the shortest way, in the best way, in the most accurate way. of success will form the basis. I prepared a content that I interpreted by drawing the right points from the conversations between managers in a training I received and that was determined by experience. Here you go;

Simplifying Correctly

We all know the Little Prince. Well, do you know that the first version of the book The Little Prince, which almost all of us have read, was close to 1000 pages? Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, the author of this book, which has achieved great success with its current 96-page version, defines the concept of perfection as “Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.” He supports with his words. However, extreme caution must be exercised when simplifying. To give an example from someone close to us of false simplification: Süleyman Demirel: “Can you summarize your hometown in one word?” It is said. Süleyman Demirel says “Good”. “So can you summarize it in two words?” they say; “It’s not,” he says. In other words, when the things intended to be explained are simplified more than necessary, they may completely lose their meaning.

Finding the Right Spot

Let me tell you a truth about spotting the right spot. Pareto principle, by Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto; It is an opinion put forward by observing that 80% of the country’s income comes from 20% of the citizens. It is also known as the 80/20 rule. Let’s detail this principle with examples;

  • 80% of the problems are caused by 20% of the causes of the problems.
  • 80% of your company’s revenue comes from 20% of your customers.
  • 80% of my team’s success is achieved thanks to 20% of my team members.
  • Another very crucial and principle-proving analysis is coming; 80% of the visitors to my blog come from 20% of the articles I write.

It will be much easier to identify the right point and touch only twenty points, rather than drowning in hundreds. In reverse logic, instead of drowning in faces, can we see the area that needs to be touched as the octogenarian?

Capturing the Concept of Good

What if I said there is no good course, no good content, no good resume, only a good explanation? Let’s go back to the past, I think I have numerical intelligence, but my geography teacher in secondary school explained world geography so well that I can still feed only on that knowledge. Unfortunately I couldn’t add much to it.

So how well do you explain what you want to say when giving a presentation or during a job interview? How memorable a meeting are we having? Your presentation or CV will not be good, but if you cannot explain yourself or your product well, it will not be memorable and your previous presentations or CV will be overshadowed.

Correct Perspective

Let me start this title by emphasizing a point; The world appears not as it is, but as you are. Your approach and interpretation of events is only the way you look and see them. So, are you sure you’re looking in the right place? Being able to look from a broader perspective, that is, getting rid of your blinders, will help you catch the truth more accurately and in a shorter time. For this reason, when preparing content, you should make sure that you research articles of different opinions and examine every detail. Sometimes, information that you are sure is correct may only be your truth.

Let’s end my article with an inspiring quote by Mahatma Gandhi while trying to achieve the right success on the path from foundation to result;

Söylediklerinize dikkat edin; düşüncelere dönüşür. Düşüncelerinize dikkat edin; duygularınıza dönüşür. Duygularınıza dikkat edin; davranışlarınıza dönüşür. Davranışlarınıza dikkat edin; alışkanlıklarınıza dönüşür. Alışkanlıklarınıza dikkat edin; değerlerinize dönüşür. Değerlerinize dikkat edin; karakterinize dönüşür. Karakterinize dikkat edin; kaderinize dönüşür.
- Mahatma Gandhi

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