Who Are the People You Need Around You?

We all know how challenging life can be sometimes. Every day we experience things that can make or break us. We experience ups and downs almost every day in our lives. Therefore, we need people who will be there to understand us and who can be trusted in difficult times.

Let’s start from the corporate companies we work with. There is an operation that runs the business or has direct contact with customers. However, while this operation does great work, there are also support units that complete the remaining work and make the operation stronger. This also applies to people. Research has proven that having a support system has many positive benefits. We can give examples of these such as achieving a higher level of well-being, better coping skills, being able to live a longer and healthier life, and helping to reduce depression and anxiety.

We need people around us

But while we recognize that we need people who can help us navigate the murky waters of life, it’s also important to recognize that not everyone deserves a place in our lives. This is a hunch that we need to determine who is truly healthy and positive and who is not.

In the complex and extremely confusing life, we deserve people who will contribute to our sanity in the midst of all the greed, anger, jealousy and hatred in the world. Negative people only drain us and bring us down. It is extremely important for ourselves and our future that our time and energy be spent on people who can truly contribute to our lives.

Who are these people really? Below I have listed those who deserve to be a part of our lives.

People who can support you throughout your life

The people you need for a better life


We all have bad days. There are times when we suddenly lose the motivation to do the things we used to love. Our work to be done is still there, but the inspiration and will to act on it has long been exhausted within us. This is when we start doubting ourselves. We feel helpless and no longer have the confidence to do anything. The pressure is building, and so is our anxiety, which triggers us to think things might get out of control or not go as expected.

This is why we all need to have a cheerleader in our lives. Someone who will be there to motivate us even when we are at our lowest and who will believe in us when we lose the confidence to believe in ourselves!

Your cheerleader may not be a professional. For example, it could be your family members. Your mother, sister, brother, friend… By the way, there is nothing wrong with being your own cheerleader. Maybe this will be the best thing you can do for yourself. Learning to love all your flaws, celebrating your small and big milestones, and learning to be kind to yourself is an art worth learning.


When you want to start something but are somehow confused about what you should do, your mentor will always be there to help you! No matter how much we think we know about many things, there will always be some gaps we need to learn that others can fill.

Remember, it is always better to admit that you actually do not know anything about a subject that you do not fully master, rather than saying that you know that job. There is always room for self-improvement in every aspect. Learn to accept your mistakes and don’t be ashamed to ask for help. A mentor is someone who will never judge you and will always be there for you to trust.

Life coach

I have been trained by professional coaches in many areas of my life, and I have understood that no one other than coaches has the power to push your limits and take you directly to the point you want to reach. It will be difficult to get used to at first, but once you understand his ways, you will begin to understand that your coach is actually right.

All you have to do is start taking every criticism constructively. They already know your strengths and weaknesses, so they know how to use you to improve the course of events in your life. Believe in them, but more importantly, believe in yourself.

A Great Friend

We all need a friend at certain moments in our lives. By friend, I mean someone we can talk to without being judged and share all the failures and successes as they come.

However, even if we already have such a person, it is still important to move forward without becoming too invested in others. Because when everything is lost and everyone turns their back on us, we’ll only have ourselves. So be kind to yourself and others.

You never know when someone might need a friend. Sometimes, instead of trying to walk in your own shoes, try walking in your friend’s shoes. This will directly affect your resistance to obstacles on the path you follow.


Having the same passion as you, career What could be better than like-minded people who share a focused life? Research shows that peers serve therapeutic, supportive, and informational purposes.

You may not hear much about it, but colleagues actually have a huge impact on our lives. By creating friendships among colleagues, you can share experiences with each other that can create lasting bonds.

Planning a new project? Your colleagues can help you with this. It’s all about your communication with each other. After all, the best projects are made through teamwork.

Whatever your life goal is, find and connect with people today who will inspire you to pursue and achieve it.

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