furkanbaskak.com.tr is 10 Years Old! | Personal blog

Love be to those who can keep time! I have spent 56.7% of my 30-year life publishing articles on blog pages. This page has been my companion for exactly 1/3 of my life. I have written about my different experiences before. we are 8 years old There will be those who remember from his article. We could not resist the passage of time since then and we are celebrating the 10th anniversary of my blog page!

10 years old personal blog In addition to being a brand, we are taking more confident steps with my page, which continues to be published as a brand. We are growing, we are improving but we don’t change! I want to remind you again of that saying I say everywhere;

This blog is my house, my street, my neighborhood, my district, my city, my country, my world and Even if the whole world changes, my world will remain the same.

Furkan Başkak – 8th Year Special Article

Excerpt from furkanbaskak.com.tr 8 years old special publication

I am a blogger before every year.

While you are a student, unemployed, working in blue collar jobs, working in white collar jobs, and in your first my book when it comes out, that is, all the time I was a blogger. Because of this, I am a blogger before every adjective and name..

My dear friends, my regular followers, my comrades who see me as a source of information, and my visitors who have set an example for me on this path, accompanied me and never stopped supporting me; Thank you all, I’m glad to have you!

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