Employees Are Resigning in Groups or One by One!

I wanted to write about an event I experienced recently when a striking headline in the magazine reminded me. I find the magazine title striking because, if you think about it, it will annoy managers. HBR TürkiyeThe exact title in is as follows; “Silent resignation is not about bad employees, but bad managers.”. I wanted to turn the incident into a story like this;

Every resignation is a harbinger of destruction

Two weeks ago, the performance of a group that had just finished orientation training was well below the required level. I tried to integrate the reason with the feedback I received from managers and instructors. Because we were in a fast-paced period and it was not possible for me to investigate in more detail. My conclusion is; What happened was that the employees were not adapted to the job and were even bad employees. This judgment was at a level that led me to think wrongly about the employees and even make wrong decisions. I am pointing out the mistakes and mistakes because I took the first resignation news for granted, thinking that it was something I expected.

Do the tasks at hand really matter?

Just one day later, I woke up to a new resignation news. The feeds I received from managers and support teams were not much different from the previous one. Even under such good conditions, there were those who did not want to work and they were leaving us one by one! The third resignation news reached a level that would alarm me. Resignations were no longer reported one by one, but in groups. I put aside all my important work, cleared my calendar, and decided to communicate with employees. I shouldn’t have been late any longer.

Everything is ok! So is the method correct?

This time, I would hear firsthand the silent resignations. I thought I would only hear excuses because the feedback I received had hardened my judgment towards employees. Because while instructors say that complete information is given, managers say adequate support He argued that it was given. They were right, there was complete training and sufficient support. The application was the standard methods that continued until that day. But they were not the right methods! (However, the methods preferred until that day were correct!) Due to the wrong selection of methods, employees were crushed under even small loads.

There may be wrong determinations made at the right time. Standard methods and judgments formed when conveyed by different dialects. All these and more are factors that lead to silent resignation. The most obvious sign of poor management was the silent resignations.

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